
爱她不一定要得到他的说说(TED英语演讲 | 爱不一定要从他处索取)



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TED简介2016 | 她的母亲是一名性工作者,父亲是贩毒犯,她的青少年时期在无数个寄养家庭中辗转度过,因为孤独,害怕被抛弃,她先后义无反顾地奔向三段婚姻,但都以失败告终。她最终做了一个决定——与自己结婚。

演讲者:Tracy Mcmillan特蕾西·麦克米伦





| 中英对照演讲稿 |

When I was growing up, there was this songwe used to sing on the playground, and it went like this, “Tracy and so and so,sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g, first comes love, then comes marriage, thencomes baby in a baby carriage.”And I’m like, OK, that’s it! That’s how you dolife. That’s how you do a relationship. Love, marriage, baby carriage. OK, gotit.


And then I grew up, and this is what mylife turned out to be. Slightly more complicated, right?Love, marriage,divorce, dry spells, love, marriage, co-parenting, another marriage, anotherdivorce; you got the picture.


So if you’re good at math and/or a fastreader, what you’ve got there is that I’ve been married three times. Yep,three, and divorced. What that’s supposed to mean is that I’m a total failureat relationships. And that is one way to look at it, but not the only way


Because what I think really happened isthat I kept marrying the wrong person. No, it’s not that I didn’t — it’s notthat I chose bad guys. My first two husbands were amazing men who are nowmarried to wonderful women who aren’t me. And my third husband, well, we’refriends on Facebook now. So, all is well that ends well, right?


After the collapse of my third marriage in2005, I realized that I’ve been marrying everyone in sight, except the oneperson that I really needed to marry in order to have a great relationship andthat once I married that person, all of my relationships would be successes,even the failures. The so-called failures, actually.


Since we’re talking today about womeninventing, I’m going to talk about inventing relationships. What I’ve foundthrough a lot of trial and obviously, many, many, many errors, to be the thingthat has transformed my life and love, and that is this idea of marryingyourself.


So what does it mean to marry yourself?It’s a big idea. It is as big as marriage itself except, if I could justsummarize it, it would be that you enter into a relationship with yourself andthen you put a ring on it.


In other words, you commit to yourselffully.And then you build a relationship with yourself to the point where yourealize that you’re whole right now, that there is no man, woman, job,circumstance that can happen to you that’s going to make you more whole becauseyou already are. And this changes your life.


By now, I’m sure at least some of you arewondering why you should be listening to a three-time divorcee talk aboutmarriage? Even to herself. And I understand that.


Here’s what I have to say about that: whatI’ve learned and my experience is that the places where you have the biggestchallenges in your life become the places where you have the most to give if you do your inner work. I kind of want to say that again: the places where youhave the biggest challenges are the places where you have the most to give.


So let me tell you a little bit about theperson I truly needed to marry: myself.


I am from Minneapolis. Wooh! My mom was aprostitute and an alcoholic. She put me in foster care when I was three monthsold.My dad was a criminal; he was a drug dealer and a pimp with a heart of gold— actually, they both had hearts of gold — and he spent more or less my wholelife in prison.


And he just got out of prison after hismost recent sentence which was 20 years.Until the age of nine, I was probably intwo dozen foster homes. The thing you need to know about this story — there area lot of details, obviously — but the thing you need to know is that I came outof that childhood with one goal: to never be left. And the way I was going todo that is that I was going to get married. That was the way I was going toaccomplish that goal.


So I got married the first time to a guy Imet when I was 17. We got married a couple of years later, when I was 19. Hewas a really good guy from a great family, he had an MBA. I mean, it was like,you know, marriage material. You know, I was thrilled. I was like, “I have afamily. I belong somewhere. This is wonderful.”


And then after five years I left him. Andthen 10 years later, I got married again to another wonderful guy, who is thefather of my now 16-years-old son. We still have a wonderful relationship. Heis a really good guy.But after four years I left him, too.


And I am not proud to say that I did that,but in order to really marry yourself, you have to get sometimes very painfullyhonest with yourself about what it is that you’ve done. So I’m not proud ofthat.


And then eight years later, I got marriedagain, when I was 40, and I was like, “OK, this feels right!” Let me tell youwhat felt right to a girl who was in 24 foster homes: a guy who started to dateafter nine months of marriage; essentially, he started dating a 21-year-oldgirl.


OK, I mean, it would be funny, if itweren’t so tragic. You have to have a sense of — that is why we’re Facebookfriends. So, here I am looking at this person that I just described with aterrible track record of relationships, and I’m like, “I’m supposed to marryher? This is the woman you want me to marry?”


And the answer is yes. Because here is thedeal: the thing about marrying yourself is not just like cohabitating. You’renot just going to date for a while and see how it turns out. You are going todo this till death do you part.


You are going to take vows. So here are thevows.


Number 1: you are going to marry yourselffor richer or for poorer. This means you are going to love yourself right whereyou are. You don’t say to yourself,“When you get to the corner of Hollywood andVine, then I will marry you.”You don’t say, “When you lose ten pounds, then Iwill love you.”And you don’t say, “If you hadn’t married that loser, I wouldlove you, but since you did, I’m sorry, I think it’s over.”


When you marry yourself, you walk yourselfdown that aisle exactly where you are. And paradoxically, I found that lovingmyself exactly where I am is the only way to get where I am going.


Number 2: you are going to marry yourselffor better or for worse. What this means is that most of us are willing to loveourselves for better, I mean, sure, I am having a great hair day today. I loveme. That’s not what I am talking about.


I’m talking about for worse, you know, thebig life disappointments. Maybe you don’t own a home, you didn’t get the careeryou wanted, maybe you didn’t graduate from college, maybe you didn’t get therelationship you wanted. Maybe it hasn’t turned out — maybe you fight with yourmum, maybe you watch too much reality TV, whatever it is, it doesn’t matteranymore. Because when you marry yourself, you agree to stay with you no matterwhat.


Third, you marry yourself in sickness andin health. So what this means is that you forgive yourself for your mistakes. Amistake isn’t actually a failure unless you don’t learn from it and unless youdon’t grow.There is a saying, “You ask for patience, and what you get is a lineat the bank.”


What that means is that life does not giveyou what you’ve asked for, it gives you the people, places, and situations thatallow you to develop what you ask for.And the thing is if you don’t get it rightthe first time, life will give it to you again. Because life is very generousthat way. It’s like I didn’t get it the first time, in the first marriage, andI didn’t get it the second time, maybe the third time I’ll get it.


So inside that terrible experience of thatthird marriage, I learned something about “in sickness and in health”. What Ilearned is how to sit by my own bedside, and how to hold my own hand, and howto nurse myself, and how to comfort myself. And what I learned is that I am aperson that I can count on.


Last but not least, you marry yourself —when you marry yourself, it’s to have and to hold yourself. What does it meanto have and to hold? Well, I think it means that you love yourself the way youwant someone else to love you.


I had always been going through life withthis sense of lack. I felt like I was kind of half a person, and that I wasmissing something. I went into my relationships hoping to solve this feelingthat I had my entire life: that I wasn’t whole unless someone loved me.And the truth was that I wasn’t ever goingto feel whole until I learned to love myself.


So this business of marrying yourselftransforms every area of your life: your business, family relationships, kids,social relationships, friends. Because when you marry yourself, this huge thinghappens: you become able to love in this whole new way. You become able to loveother people right where they are, for who they are, the same way you’realready loving yourself. And of course, this is what the world needs more of.


So when I married myself, and I realizedthat I already had everything I needed, I started seeing it as my job tobasically just light up my little corner of the world. That’s my new job.Because I don’t need anything, I already have it.


So when I take meetings, it’s all about howcan I help this person achieve her goal? When I’m in my social communities, itis like what can I bring to this that only I can bring?And when I go on dates,it is like how can I just discover another person maybe for just one hourwhich, of course, brings me a full circle.


Because people always asked me about mylove life; they want to know.And you know, the answer is, I am still working onit. Aren’t we all? So this is where I am right now. About three months ago, Iwent on a first date. And about 30 minutes into the date, I found myself payingattention not to whether he liked me, but how I felt in his presence. I noticedthat I was light, happy, and joking. And as I reflected on the date afterwards,I was like, “Wow, I got really excited! Look, this is how committed I am tomyself.”


I am not even on this date trying to getsomeone to like me. I am more interested in how I feel about me than how he feelsabout me, not because I am selfish, but because the only relationship I am evergoing to have with another person is the one that I am already having withmyself — just going to have it with them now.So it turned out he liked me, and we arestill together. It’s cool and amazing, but I’ve been married three times, soslow down.


The thing is that I am not trying to getsecurity from him through marriage, and, God forbid, a baby carriage. I am onlyhere to just be in a relationship. I am not dying to hear the words, “Will youmarry me?” Because even though those words are very powerful — and very powerfulto a person like me — I don’t need them to hear it from him because I havealready heard them from myself.


The way I see it is like I took myself tothe top of a mountain, or maybe to the bottom of the ocean, and I got down onone knee, and I said, “I’ll never leave you.”


And now I am married to the one person Ireally wanted to be with all along: myself.


Thank you.


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